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    Thursday, March 26th: Petit Garden

    Two bolts of Petit Garden fabric arrived in the bindery today

    Today is Thursday, March 26th

    Rag & Bone Bindery is open for business

    (read our post from Wednesday, March 25th for more information about how we're able to remain open for business)


    We're receiving materials and continue to make books and ship them within our standard delivery time. Today we received two bolts of the Petit Garden fabric which is popular as a cover option for Binders and Journals. We'll ship them to our converter shortly, who converts our fabrics into bookcloth so we can use it to wrap our books. They use a machine the size of a truck to stretch the fabric along a bolt paper with a thin layer of heat activated glue inbetween. If you've ever enjoyed the "How's It Made" TV show, you know how excited we were to visit their local factory for the first time.

    Please remain safe and creative and take care of friends and family during this time. We are staying close to home only venturing out when necessary to help #flattenthecurve.

    We'll update the blog again tomorrow.

    Let us know if you have any questions. Use the contact form on our Contact page to send us a message, or call us direct at 401 728 0762. We're usually in the Bindery by 9:00 and leave around 4:00 (EST). Cheers! - Jason